This small program is designed to demux a MPEG 2 file (also called Program Stream).Such movie file it's composed from various packs (video,audio,data,etc.). What this program does is to list every packet in a MPEG2 file along with some info about each pack.It might be interesting to know exactly how much audio or video your movie really contains.
HOW TO USE IT : ---------------
Simply copy the program to your hard-disk (otherwise the text file containing detalied info cannot be created) and start it. On the INPUT panel you'll see all the "*.mpg" and "*.mpeg" files in the curent directory (at starting point the curent directory it's the same as the program home directory). Chose the desirated file. On the OUTPUT panel you can specify a name for the text file (the default name is "info.txt").This is the file wich shall apear in the program home directory containing detalied info on the MPEG2 file you selected. If you wish to browse for other files use the BROWSE button located under the INPUT panel.A search window will open where you can specify and navigate through folders.To change the curent directory use the SET button when you're pleased with the new setting.Pressing the EXIT button will leave the curent directory unchanged.Also,you may use the DEFAULT button to return to the program home directory at any time. After you've selected the input file and the output text file name the indicator "OK to go" above the START button shall be of green color (while this indicator is red you can't push the START button).If that's the case,push the START button. In a short while (depending on how big your input file is) you shall see some data on the INFO panel.Those are statistics about the number of packs of each type found in the input file and an indicator ("Succesfull reading") that can be "Yes" or "No".If this indicator is "No" the processing of your input file wasn't succesfull (usualy because that file wasn't MPEG2 standard). Now you can view the output text file in the program home directory (you'll need an apropiate program).It contains more detalied data and also a statistic at the end regarding the input file.To fully undestand the info in this file check the glossary below.