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大家好!!!!!!!我是新的PSoC 3。请告诉我,CY8C3666 AXI-040T的“T”是什么意思?另一方面,我想使用一个与我的CY8CKIT-030资源较少的芯片,我选择了CY838 65 PVI-063。互联网上的一些供应商说,最后一个是不推荐用于新的设计。这是正确的吗?非常感谢你的回答。亚历克斯
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hi every one !!!!!! I am new with PSoC 3. Can any body, please, tell me what does mean "T" for CY8C3866AXI-040T ? And on the other hand I would like use a chip with less resource with my CY8CKIT-030 and I've selected CY83865PVI-063. Some provider on internet says that the last one is no recommended for new design. Is it that correct ? Thank you very much in advance for you answer. Alex |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Your selected part is obsolete. The "I" stands for industrial temperature range afaik Bob |
该网站显示的状态为HTTP://www. CyPress?MPN=CY8C3666 AXI-040T 您可以与当地销售办事处联系,确认SATUS。 问候,Dana。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 The "T" stands for Tape & reel. The website shows status as this http://www.cypress.com/?mpn=CY8C3866AXI-040T You might check with local sales office to confirm satus. Regards, Dana. |
我以为你使用的是CY8C38 65(过时的)而不是CY8C3666 BOB。
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I thought you were using the CY8C3865 (which IS obsolete) and not the Cy8C3866 Bob |
以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 I think he is using 3866 and wanted to go to 3865. Regards, Dana. |
谢谢您。 Alx101 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Yes Bob, I want to use the 3865 or other similar with less resources using the CY8CKIT-030 to test some code. Thank you. Alex101 |
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