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我打算使用套接字和以太网接口在Java中编程。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Where do i get a manual with all the visa commands for the 34972A? I intend to program in Java using sockets and the ethernet interface. |
可以在程序员的参考帮助中找到该仪器的SCPI命令,可以从此页面下载:http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/techSupport.jspx?cc = US& lc = eng& nid =
-33640.922596& pid = 1756491& pageMode = MN如果您安装了安捷伦I / O库,您可以右键单击I / O库图标并转到文档以获取常规VISA命令帮助。如果您没有I / O 您安装的库可以在这里找到:http://www.agilent.com/find/iosuite 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The SCPI commands for the instrument can be found in the programmer's reference help which can be downloaded from this page: http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/techSupport.jspx?cc=US&lc=eng&nid=-33640.922596&pid=1756491&pageMode=MN If you have agilent I/O libraries installed, you can right click on the I/O libraries icon and go to documentation for general VISA command help. If you don't have I/O libraries installed you can find it here: http://www.agilent.com/find/iosuite |
4864165sas 发表于 2019-6-27 09:44 请让我知道为34972A“获取通道范围值”的命令。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Please let me know the command to "get Channel Range values" for 34972A. |
(@ 101,102)我使用了频道101和102作为例子,你输入了你实际使用的频道。 如果您有一系列使用DCV的频道,您也可以这样做(@ 101:120),而不是单独输入。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Assuming you are making DC voltage measurements SENSe:VOLTage:DC:RANGe? (@101,102) I used channel 101 and 102 as an example, you put in what ever channels you are actually using. If you have a range of channels all using DCV you can do this as well (@101:120), instead of typing them all out individually. |
4864165sas 发表于 2019-6-27 10:02 感谢您的回复。 我能知道Fetch的值吗? 命令正在返回? 我需要获取所有可用频道的以下信息,请帮助我使用正确的命令字符串。 通道号,模式,范围,下限,上限,当前温度1,TC,T,0,150,25.2编辑:gauravt于2013年6月13日上午1:11 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Thanks for reply. Could I know what values Fetch? command is returning? I need to fetch following Information for all available channels, Please help me with proper command string. Channel no, Mode , Range , Lower, Upper, Current Temperature 1, TC, T, 0, 150, 25.2 Edited by: gauravt on Jun 13, 2013 1:11 AM |
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I send many commands but getting time out error every time. Edited by: gauravt on Jun 26, 2013 7:48 PM |
你试过增加超时吗? 许多应用程序中的默认超时时间往往在2到5秒之间。 什么命令你超时? 你能附上你的项目和你正在进行的命令吗? 连通性:2013年6月27日上午9:34连接 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi gauravt, Timeouts typically occur when a the controller tries to read from the instrument but the instrument either does not have a response (wrong command sent), or is not ready to deliever the data (still processing). Have you tried increasing the timeout? The default timeout in many applications tends to be between 2 and 5 seconds. What commands are you timing out on? Can you attach your project and the commands you are working on? Connectivity Edited by: connectivity on Jun 27, 2013 9:34 AM |
schumi_LYQ 发表于 2019-6-27 10:36 是的,我也把时间从几秒钟增加到几分钟。 它在定义的分钟后抛出相同的错误。 我试过fetch? 读? 和扫描命令。 你能告诉我从温度记录器读取所有通道当前数据的具体命令吗? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Yes, I increased the time out from seconds to minutes as well. it is throwing the same error after defined mins. I have tried fetch? read? and scan commands. Could you tell me what exact command i shall execute to read all channels current data from temp recorder? |
发送数据:POIN? 并将结果读入整数。 然后发送DATA:REM? 并将其读入字符串。 典型响应默认格式:+ 4.27150000E + 02,+ 1.32130000E + 03,+ 3.65300000E + 03 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Send DATA:POIN? and read the result into and integer. Then send DATA:REM? and read that into a string. Typical Response for the default format: +4.27150000E+02,+1.32130000E+03,+3.65300000E+03 |
它在记录器屏幕上向我发送数据。 但是当我使用FormattedIO488 data_logger = this.SendDataToDeviceReturn(“DATA:POINTs?”)时; int rdcnt = Convert.ToInt32((double)data_logger.ReadNumber(IEEEASCIIType.ASCIIType_R8,true)); 命令。 它正在退回rdcnt = 0。 我不知道它为什么算数为0.请告诉我解决方案。 如果您可以在绿色播放按钮上共享“长凳链接数据记录器3”使用的相同命令,那将是可观的。编辑:gauravt于2013年7月2日上午1:18 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I have "bench link data logger 3" installed on my system, when i am clicking in green color play button. It is returing data to me on logger screen. But when i am using FormattedIO488 data_logger = this.SendDataToDeviceReturn("DATA:POINTs?"); int rdcnt = Convert.ToInt32((double)data_logger.ReadNumber(IEEEASCIIType.ASCIIType_R8, true)); command. It is returing rdcnt=0. i am not getting why it is giving count as 0. Please proivde me the solution. it would be appreciable if you could share same commands that are used by "bench link data logger 3" on green color play button click. Edited by: gauravt on Jul 2, 2013 1:18 AM |
因为我们使用FD“0”,StartChannel.ToString(“00”),EndChannel.ToString(“00”); 从MV2000横河电机获得计算数据。 请尽快回复。 如果你可以分享一些示例代码,那就太棒了。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, i wanted to know which command we use in agilent 34972A to capture temperature output from the device to system (or getting computed temperature data from device). As we use FD " 0",StartChannel.ToString("00"),EndChannel.ToString("00"); to get the computed data from MV2000 yokogawa. Please reply ASAP. and it would be great if u can share some sample code. |
winnie_wuting 发表于 2019-6-27 11:42 你好srishti,你能更具体一点吗? 您想制作热电偶,RTD或热敏电阻温度测量吗? 您可以在此处找到编程手册参考:链接:[http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/redirector.jspx?action=ref&cname=AGILENT_EDITORIAL&ckey=1838042&lc=eng&cc=US& nfr = -33257.922596.00]以下是热电偶测量的示例SCPI,我正在设置通道101到110进行J型热电偶测量。 结果将以摄氏度返回,测量将使用内部温度参考进行。 :CONFigure:TEMPerature TCouple,J,(@ 101:110):UNIT:TEMPerature C,(@ 101:110):SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE INTernal,(@ 101:110):ROUT:SCAN (@ 101:110)读? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello srishti, Can you be more specific? Do you want to make a Thermocouple, RTD, or Thermistor temperature measurement? You can find the programming manual reference here: Link: [http://www.home.agilent.com/agilent/redirector.jspx?action=ref&cname=AGILENT_EDITORIAL&ckey=1838042&lc=eng&cc=US&nfr=-33257.922596.00] Here is example SCPI for a thermocouple measurement, I am setting up channels 101 through 110 for J type thermocouple measurement. The results will be returned in degrees C, and the measurements will be made using the internal temperature reference. :CONFigure:TEMPerature TCouple,J,(@101:110) :UNIT:TEMPerature C,(@101:110) :SENSe:TEMPerature:TRANsducer:TCouple:RJUNction:TYPE INTernal,(@101:110) :ROUT:SCAN (@101:110) READ? |
我在我的项目中使用安捷伦34972A来分析电子产品随时间的温度变化。 我想以下面的格式获取数据。 通道号,模式,范围,下限,上限,当前温度我想知道一个命令,它可以返回所有通道的信息,包括 - 模式,范围,下限,上限,当前温度请告诉我可以获取的命令1.模式 对于所有频道 - 'TC','T'2。范围ex。 - 'K','T','R','N','S'3。以上范围的下限ex。 - 范围'T' - ' - 185'4。上限范围的上限。 - 范围'T' - '+ 300'5。所有频道的当前温度等待有用的回复尽快:) srishti 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi , Thanks for your reply. i am using agilent 34972A for my project to analyze temperature variation of a electronic product over time. i want to fetch data in below format. Channel no, Mode , Range , Lower, Upper, Current Temperature i want to know a command which can return me information for all channels which includes - Mode, Range, Lower, Upper, Current Temperature Please tell me commands which can fetch 1. Mode for all the channels ex. - 'TC' , 'T' 2. Range ex. - 'K','T','R','N','S' 3. Lower limit for above range ex. - for range 'T' - '−185' 4. Upper limit for above range ex. - for range 'T' - ' +300' 5. Current Temperature of all the channels waiting for a helpful reply ASAP :) srishti |
(@)此查询返回指定通道上的当前配置,并返回一系列带引号的字符串。 您必须先配置要查询的频道。 这是用CONF:还是MEAS完成的? 命令。 34972A数据表中列出了34972A具有电压到温度转换的温度范围。 您可以使用MEAS:TEMP吗? TC,J,(@)还是只读? 如果您之前已配置通道并使用ROUT:SCAN(@)命令设置扫描列表。 我假设你熟悉SCPI乐器。 这些都是34972A理解的所有SCPI命令。 无论您使用何种编程语言或环境,都必须将这些命令发送到仪器。 您将在34972A网页上的示例程序列表中看到其他驱动程序表单,但仪器的IO始终是SCPI命令。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 CONF? (@) This query returns the present configuration on the specified channels and returns a series of quoted strings. You must have previously configured the channels you are querying. This is done with either the CONF: or the MEAS? commands. The temperature range for which the 34972A has the voltage to temperature conversion is listed in the 34972A Data Sheet. You can use either MEAS:TEMP? TC,J,(@) or just READ? if you have previously configured the channels and set up a scan list with the ROUT:SCAN (@) command. I assume that you are familiar with SCPI instruments. These are all SCPI commands that the 34972A understands. No matter what programming language or environment you use, it must send these commands to the instrument. You will see other driver forms in the example programs list on the 34972A web page, but the IO for the instrument is always SCPI commands. |
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