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当我打开它时,有15秒左右的延迟,然后“初始化”这个词在字母之间出现一段时间循环,表明它正在做某事。 可能又过了20-30秒,这个时期在第五个“我”之后冻结并且无限期地保持在那里。 看来设备卡住了。 我已经尝试过使用和不使用DAQ卡并仍然得到相同的结果。请指教。谢谢你,汤姆 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi all, I am using a 34972A. When I turn it on, there is a 15 second or so delay and then the word "Initializing" comes up with a period cycling between the letters to show that it is doing something. After maybe another 20-30 seconds, the period freezes after the fifth "I" and remains there indefinitely. It appears that the device stuck. I've tried it with and without the DAQ cards and still get the same result. Please advise. Thank you, Tom |
这应该是免费的。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hello, I regret to inform you that this 34972A is defective and should be returned and replaced as an out-of-box defect (OBD). There should be no charge for this. |
仍然是这样的情况,当34972A在初始化时被卡住时,它被视为有缺陷吗? 我现在有两个有这个问题的单位,他们都是同时购买的。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Is it still the case that when 34972A gets stuck on initizialing it is considered defective? I now have two units that have this issue and they were both purchased at the same time. |
到目前为止,数据记录器从未给我带来任何问题,我已经使用它两年了。 你的数据记录器是全新的(刚刚开箱即用),还是在问题发生时它已经在服务?如果你能给我一些信息,我会很感激.Regards,Thomas 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi tcomberiate, I had the same problem this morning with my 34972A, it was the first time I got stucked on initializing, just as you described. The datalogger has never given me problems so far, I've been using it for two years. Was your datalogger brand new (just taken out of the box for the first time) or was it already on service when this problem occurred? I would be thankful if you could give me some info. Regards, Thomas |
该固件已在34972A产品网页上提供了几个月。 请访问www.agilent.com/find/34972A>访问技术支持>驱动程序,固件和软件> 34972A固件。 如果您的版本为1.15,但仍然可以看到此问题,请联系Agilent技术支持部门请参阅技术支持页面右上角的“联系专家”链接。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 New 34972A firmware, version 1.15, fixes some problems like this. That firmware has been available on the 34972A product web pages for a few months. Go to www.agilent.com/find/34972A > Visit Technical Support > Drivers, Firmware, and Software > 34972A Firmware. If you have version 1.15, and still see this problem, please contact Agilent Technical Support See the "Contact an Expert" link at the top right corner of the Technical Support page. |
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