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請問有AD9789 flatness 相關的技術文件嗎?? We need the documents about AD9789 register setting and recomended value for the consistent output level (flatness) and MER of VHF and UHF band (50MHz ~ 860MHz). We have three types of RF output, DVB-T / DVB-C J83A / DVB-C J83B and output single carrier and 4 adjacent carriers. We would like to get the same RF output level and MER, no matter low frequency and high frequency channel. So far we can't get the same output level and MER when we set the same register value for channel gain, in-scale and sum-scale to different channel frequency. As we know, we can control channel gain, in-scale and sum-scale value, please recommend us what value we should set for different application. And except above three parameters, what else register we should take care for flatness and MER consistently. Thank you very much |
再請問個問題, 如同您所說, 很難保持功率一致, 但假設我要微調, 不一定要一致, 但至少平均一點, 有哪些register是我可以嘗試的?? Thanks. |
Dear Sir, Thanks, But what the best value for in-scale and sum-scale? |
The scale has no infulence on the flatness. |
ADP5092 SYS端口为2.09V,但是REG_OUT为0是什么原因?
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