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我无法再通过我的代码或Agilent Interactive I / O与仪器通信。 我已经卸载并重新安装了ACE ...当第一次重新安装ACE时,它表明还有其他VISA驱动程序。 我卸载了所有我看到的(NI和TEK),然后重新安装了ACE ...仍然没有...任何建议? 谢谢 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi, I had my 34972A communicating awhile back but now the Agilent Connection Expert (ACE) indicates "there was a commuincation failrue" and the error is "The instrument failed to return an IDN string". I can no longer communicate with the instrument through my code or Agilent Interactive I/O. I have uninstalled and reinstalled ACE... when reinstalling ACE the first time it indicated there were other VISA drivers. I uninstalled all that I coudl see (NI and TEK) and then reinstalled ACE... still no go... any suggestions? Thanks 附件
以下是我要做的事情:1。从以下2个目录中删除visa32.dll文件:c: windows system32 c: windows syswow64 2.完全卸载Agilent IO Libraries Suite 3.下载最新版本的
来自[www.agilent.com/find/iosuite]的IO库并重新安装 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Here is what I would do: 1. Delete the visa32.dll file from the following 2 directories: c:windowssystem32 c:windowssyswow64 2. Completely uninstall the Agilent IO Libraries Suite 3. Download the latest version of the IO Libraries from [www.agilent.com/find/iosuite] and reinstall |
Connection Expert中配置的地址必须与仪器的地址设置相匹配。 您可以从前面板检查34972A地址。 由于它正在工作,为34972A循环供电并刷新ACE应该重新建立与34972A的通信。 我将与IO Libraries专家核实并回复您。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The instrument may have the wrong address setting or two or more instruments are set to the same address. The address configured in Connection Expert must match the address setting of the instrument. You can check the 34972A address from the front panel. Since it was working, cycling power to the 34972A and refreshing ACE should reestablish communication with the 34972A. I will check with the IO Libraries expert and get back to you on this. |
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