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我最近开始从事嵌入式电子学课程的教学助理工作。我们使用CY8CKIT-042-BLE以及一些其他的,但我有一些问题的BLE工具包。当我去程序包时,选择调试目标窗口出现,我看到的是KiPrg/Stand号,没有芯片连接到它。所有这些组件似乎都有CY8C4247LQI-BL48 3连接到它。我已经更新了KiPig固件到最新的(2.18)使用PSoC程序员和IM使用PSoC创建者4.1。谁知道我的下一步应该做些什么来尝试和排除这些问题? 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Hello All, I recently started working as a teaching assistant for an embedded electronics program. We use the CY8CKIT-042-BLE as well as a few others, but I have an issue with a few of BLE Kits. When I go to program the kit the select debug target window appears and all I see is the KitProg/Serial number and no chip attached to it. All of these kits seem to have the CY8C4247LQI-BL483 attached to it. I've updated the kitprog firmware to the most recent (2.18) using psoc programmer and im using psoc creator 4.1. Anyone have an idea what my next steps should be to try and troubleshoot these? |
检查KITPROG是否处于“大容量存储模式”。检查KITPROG手册如何走出这个(按“重置”超过10秒)。 鲍勃 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 See that in device selection window "Show all targets" is selected. Check that the kitprog is in "Mass storage mode". Check Kitprog manual how to get out of that (Pressing 'reset' for more than 10s). Bob |
ncmza 发表于 2019-1-2 16:05 鲍勃, 这是大多数人的情况,我能够轻松地从海量存储模式中恢复。不幸的是,最后3个不是大容量存储模式。我可以把它们放进去,把它们拿出来,但这不是问题。显示所有目标在设备选择窗口内选择。还有其他什么想法吗?他们实际上可能是坏的,这门课的学生用Cadence制作他们自己的定制板,我们在学校里把它们磨出来。所以完全有可能在他们的董事会炸薯片,但我不确定这些其实是坏的。大多数坏的似乎有GND短路到VDD或一个引脚被短路到GND或VDD。我发现这些大部分是因为电路板变得非常热,或者主板上的状态会关闭。这些似乎在工作(至少没有上面的症状),我只是在设备选择窗口中看不到它们,它只显示了KiPrg/Stand号。 以上来自于百度翻译 以下为原文 Bob, This was the case for the majority of them, I was able to get those ones back out of mass storage mode easily. Unfortunately, the last 3 are not in mass storage mode. I can put them into it and take them back out, but that isn't the issue. Show all targets is selected within the device selection window. Any other ideas on what it could be? They may actually be bad, the students in this course make their own custom boards using Cadence and we mill them out right here at school. So its completely possible that something within their boards fried the chips, but I'm just not sure these ones are actually bad. Most the ones that are bad seem to have GND shorted to VDD or a Pin is shorted to GND or VDD. I have found most of these due to the board getting really hot or the status LED on the main board will turn off. These appear to be working (at least none of the symptoms above) I just can't see them in the device selection window, it only shows the kitprog/serial number. |
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