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我真的很感激任何人可以提供的任何帮助或建议。 我刚收购了一款宣传为“软件问题”的N9340B。 它通过正常的启动屏幕启动,DSP报告成功启动。 不幸的是,所有的软键标签都是日语,当我尝试将语言更改为英语时,大多数软键标签都会消失,而剩下的几个软键标签都是无意义的字符。 它通过以下SA设置唤醒:CF = 0 Hz,span = 0 Hz,RBW = 30 Hz。 光谱轨迹在屏幕底部是平坦的,没有显示任何活动。 我确实设置了实时时钟,并且它一直保持准确的时间。 我发现将标签翻译成英文的一种方法是进入系统设置菜单3并加载默认的SA配置文件。 但是,即使语言确实更改为英语,跟踪或设置也没有任何变化,任何按键都会在日志中生成一系列“错误0x9”错误。 认为可能是系统软件损坏导致此问题,并且考虑到SA没有安装最新软件,我尝试使用USB记忆棒升级软件。 当我尝试升级时,SA报告说它无法在USB记忆棒上找到有效的文件(即使正确的文件位于USB记忆棒根目录下的正确文件夹中。)然后我尝试了LAN方法。 我可以按照LAN升级说明中的规定将SA的IP地址更改为192.168.0.112,我可以使用Agilent IO Lib 16.3连接到分析仪,并查看序列号和固件版本(1.14)。 当我在PC上运行软件时,SA显示一个对话框,上面写着“通过FTP升级...请保持电源开启和LAN连接”。 此后不久,PC软件报告“无法创建文件APP.LOG或权限问题”(BTW,APP.LOG文件应该是PC还是SA?)。 当我解除这个错误时,程序运行时没有在LAN连接器状态指示灯上显示任何活动,并显示一个对话框,说“升级:文件1的298.请等待......”大约十分钟后说“FTP”终于出错了 服务器已超时。“ 然后“升级失败!” 在我解除这些错误消息后,SA重新启动到其“默认”状态(日语标签,错误的SA设置,静态IP地址0.0.0.0和网关192.168.2.21)。 由于软件问题,我无法确定N9340B硬件是否正常工作。 但是,这个SA具有调制分析选项,当我激活该模式时,我得到的显示看起来是正确的,因为它适当地响应来自信号发生器的输入变化。 关于这个问题的原因是什么,或者更重要的是,如何修复它? 如果它是一个损坏的内存是原因,有没有办法清除它,以便我可以继续进行固件升级? 该仪器(当然)超出保修期,安捷伦网站上的固定维修价格远远超出我的预算。 安捷伦是否有固定此分析仪的“零件和人工”定价选项? 谢谢,斯坦 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I recently posted this messsage on the spectrum analyzer forum, but it might also be appropriate for this forum. I would really appreciate any help or advice anyone can offer. I just acquired an N9340B that was advertised as having "software issues." It powers up with a normal splash screen, and the DSP reports booting successfully. Unfortunately, all of the softkey labels are in Japanese, and when I try to change the language to English, most of the softkey labels disappear, and several of the ones that remain are in nonsense characters. It wakes up with the following SA settings: CF=0 Hz, span=0 Hz, and RBW=30 Hz. The spectrum trace is flat at the bottom of the screen and shows no activity. I did set the real-time clock and it has continued to keep accurate time. One method I found to get the labels into English is to go to system setup menu 3 and load the default SA config file. However, even though the language does change to English, nothing changes about the trace or the settings, and any keypresses generate a series of "Error 0x9" errors in the log. Thinking that it might be corrupted system software causing this problem, and given that the SA did not have the most recent software installed, I tried to upgrade the software by using a USB stick. When I attempted the upgrade, the SA reported that it could not find a valid file on the USB stick (even though the proper file is there and in the correct folder on the USB stick's root directory.) Then I tried the LAN method. I was able to change the IP address of the SA to as specified in the LAN upgrade instructions, and I could connect to the analyer using Agilent IO Lib 16.3 and see the serial number and firmware version (1.14). When I ran the software on the PC, the SA displayed a dialog box saying "Upgrading by FTP... Please keep the power on and the LAN connection." Shortly thereafter, the PC software reported, "Cannot create file APP.LOG or permission problem" (BTW, is the APP.LOG file supposed to be on the PC or the SA?). When I dismissed this error, the program ran without ever showing any activity on the LAN connectors status lights and displayed a dialog box saying "Upgrading: File 1 of 298. Please wait..." It finally errored after about ten minutes saying "FTP Server has timed out." and then "Upgrade Failed!" After I dismissed these error messages, the SA rebooted into its "default" state (Japanese labels, bad SA settings, Static IP address, and Gateway Because of the software issues, I cannot be sure if the N9340B hardware is working. However, this SA has the modulation analysis options, and when I activate that mode I get a display that appears to be correct in that it responds to changing inputs from my signal generator appropriately. Any ideas of what the cause is of this problem, or more importantly, how to fix it? If it's a corrupted memory that is the cause, is there a way to clear it so that I can proceed with the firmware upgrade? This instrument is (of course) out of warranty, and the flat-rate repair prices on the Agilent web site are well outside of my budget. Does Agilent have a "parts and labor" pricing option for fixing this analyzer? Thanks, Stan |
嗨Stan - 根据您对症状的详细描述,问题是由系统闪存损坏或系统文件丢失引起的。
这无法通过固件升级恢复。 可能需要更换控制板以进行维修。 我担心最好的建议是将此装置送到当地的安捷伦服务机构进行维修。 如果您在美洲 - 拨打免费电话+1 800 829-4444按#,然后按3 - 获取详细信息。 我不确定本地服务机构是否可以提供“零件和人工”定价选项 - 请问。 感谢你的理解 - 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Hi Stan - According to your detailed description of the symptom, the problem is caused by system flash damage or a system file missing. This cannot be recovered via a firmware upgrade. The control board may need to need to be replaced to repair this. I'm afraid my best advice is to send this unit to your local Agilent service organization for repair. If you are in the Americas - call toll-free +1 800 829-4444 Press #, then 3 - to get details. I’m not sure whether local service organization can provide a “parts and labor” pricing option - do ask. Thanks for your understanding - |
我希望这个问题不是由于硬件故障造成的,但你的解释是有道理的。 我将致电安捷伦服务中心并估算维修费用。 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I was hoping that this problem wasn't due to a hardware failure, but your explanation makes sense. I'll call the Agilent service center and get an estimate for the cost of repairs. |
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