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我刚买了一台NUC7CJYH并安装了8GB Crucial DDR4 / 2400 RAM / SanDisk 500GB 3D SSD。
我附加了一个LG ext USB 2.0 CD / DVD / BlueRay光驱(经常与其他Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10设备一起使用,因此我知道它可以工作)来安装Windows 7 64位OEM MSFT磁盘。 我开机的所有内容是:“图像授权失败。由于安全违规,系统无法启动到此设备....” 我在另一块板上看到这可能是由于BIOS设置造成的? 如果NUC甚至无法启动,我如何进入BIOS? 如果是这种情况,我该如何进入BIOS并进行哪些更改? 我是英特尔NUC的新手,温柔。 (我打算在安装Win 7后使用Windows 10升级磁盘。) 帮帮我!! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I just bought a NUC7CJYH and installed 8GB Crucial DDR4/2400 RAM / SanDisk 500GB 3D SSD. I attached an LG ext USB 2.0 CD/DVD/BlueRay optical drive (used often with other Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 devices so I know it works) to install Windows 7 64-bit OEM MSFT Disk. All I get on boot is: "Image authorization fail. System can not boot to this device due to security violation ...." I read on another board that this may be due to a BIOS setting? How do I get to the BIOS if the NUC won't even boot? And if this is the case, how do I get to the BIOS and what changes do I make? I am totally new to the Intel NUC, be gentle. (I intend to use a Windows 10 Upgrade Disk after installing Win 7.) Help!! |
要禁用安全启动,您需要执行以下操作: 在BIOS POST(即出现“Intel NUC”闪屏)时,快速反复按F2键直到出现BIOS Setup(Visual BIOS)显示。单击Advanced,然后选择Boot,然后选择Secure Boot选项卡。取消选中 安全启动选项。按F10,然后选择是以保存此更改并重新启动系统。 但是,我不相信这会对你有所帮助。 此NUC不支持Windows 7,可能无法加载。 即使它确实如此,据我所知,微软已经取消了从Windows 7升级到Windows 10的支持。 内容S 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 This issue is caused by the Secure Boot feature being enabled. To disable Secure Boot, you need to do the following:
I do not believe that this will help you, however. Windows 7 is NOT supported on this NUC and may not load. Even if it does, as far as I know, Microsoft has withdrawn support for upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10. ...S |
可能还需要在BIOS中选择Legacy Boot而不是UEFI for Windows 7。
洛厄尔 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 May also need to choose Legacy Boot in the BIOS instead of UEFI for Windows 7. Lowell |
tianyou15 发表于 2018-11-9 11:03 N. Scott人, 非常感谢Bios访问信息和修改以禁用该启动安全功能。 关于Windows 7安装。 NUC支持Windows 7安装,事实上该单元的文献列出了它以及英特尔NUC支持部分的几个页面,例如 - 在带有USB 3.0的英特尔®NUC上安装Windows 7 * 微软确实从Windows 7和8.1销售Windows 10“更新”,实际上仍然没有多少知道从7或8.1获得免费更新的方法。 通过在网上进行一点搜索,您就可以找到它。 Win 7安装只是一个临时的情况,以方便使用我已经拥有的Windows 10“升级”DVD。 非常感谢! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 N. Scott Person, Thanks very much for the Bios access information and modification to disable that boot security feature. About that Windows 7 install. Windows 7 installation IS supported on the NUC and in fact the literature with the unit lists it as well as several pages on the Intel NUC support section, such as this - Install Windows 7* on Intel® NUC with USB 3.0 Microsoft does sell a Windows 10 "Update" from Windows 7 and 8.1 and there is actually still little known way to get a free update from 7 or 8.1. With a little search on the Net you can find it. The Win 7 install is only a temporary situation to facilitate using the Windows 10 "Upgrade" DVD I already have. Thanks much! |
LowelH - 很棒的一点,我可能已经错过了让Win 7运行,直到我对其进行了Windows 10更新。 我还有第二个较小的SSD(250GB),我打算用KODI安装Linux Ubuntu,用于家庭影院应用程序的编写和使用/实验。 我想知道我是否还需要为Linux启用“Legacy Boot”? 或者Ubuntu是否使用UEFI? 非常感谢!! 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 LowelH - Great point, I might have missed that to get Win 7 running until I put a Windows 10 update on it. I also have a second smaller SSD (250GB) that I plan to install Linux Ubuntu with KODI for Home Theater applications writing and use / experimenting. I wonder if I need to enable "Legacy Boot" for Linux too? Or does Ubuntu use UEFI ?? Thanks very much!! |
不,我不错。 此NUC不支持Windows 7。 事实上,任何第7代或更高版本的NUC都不支持Windows 7。 如果你的某些内容似乎表明它受到支持,那么你肯定会错误地阅读它。 例如,如果查看实际应用的NUC列表,您引用的文章仅限于第5代和第6代NUC。 2017年12月31日,Microsoft关闭了支持从Windows 7升级到Windows 10的服务器(即使是那些真正需要辅助技术的人)。 如果你在网上看到任何一个地方说你仍然可以这样做,他们就是根据陈旧的信息来说这个。 不过,欢迎您尝试任何您想要的东西。 请记住,它不受支持,所以如果你有问题,不要来这里哭。 不需要反驳; 我不再监视这个帖子了。 内容S 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 No, I am not incorrect. Windows 7 is NOT supported on this NUC. In fact, Windows 7 is not supported on ANY 7th gen or later NUC. If you have something that would seem to say that it is supported, then you are assuredly reading it incorrectly. For example, the article you reference, if you look at the list of NUCs that it actually applies to, is limited to 5th and 6th gen NUCs. On Dec 31, 2017, Microsoft shut down the servers that supported upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (even for folks who actually do have a need for assistive technologies). If you are seeing any place on the net that says that you can still do this, they are saying this based upon stale information. Still, you are welcome to try ANYTHING that you want. Just remember, it is not supported, so don't come crying here if you have problems. No rebuttal is necessary; I am no longer monitoring this thread. ...S |
“不,我不是不正确。这个NUC不支持Windows 7。事实上,任何第7代或更高版本的NUC都不支持Windows 7。如果你有什么似乎可以说支持它,那么你就是 确实无误地阅读它。例如,如果你看一下它实际适用的NUC列表,你引用的文章仅限于第5和第6代NUC。 2017年12月31日,Microsoft关闭了支持从Windows 7升级到Windows 10的服务器(即使是那些真正需要辅助技术的人)。 如果你在网上看到任何一个地方说你仍然可以这样做,他们就是根据陈旧的信息来说这个。 不过,欢迎您尝试任何您想要的东西。 请记住,它不受支持,所以如果你有问题,不要在这里哭。 不需要反驳; 我不再监视这个帖子了。“ 那就是今天的美国科技与外出...... 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 "No, I am not incorrect. Windows 7 is NOT supported on this NUC. In fact, Windows 7 is not supported on ANY 7th gen or later NUC. If you have something that would seem to say that it is supported, then you are assuredly reading it incorrectly. For example, the article you reference, if you look at the list of NUCs that it actually applies to, is limited to 5th and 6th gen NUCs. On Dec 31, 2017, Microsoft shut down the servers that supported upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 (even for folks who actually do have a need for assistive technologies). If you are seeing any place on the net that says that you can still do this, they are saying this based upon stale information. Still, you are welcome to try ANYTHING that you want. Just remember, it is not supported, so don't come crying here if you have problems. No rebuttal is necessary; I am no longer monitoring this thread." That's today's America in Tech and Out .... |
ya54031 发表于 2018-11-9 12:24 不允许侮辱。 考虑自己警告。 此外,您已获得最佳建议。 仔细聆听 - 第7代和更高版本的处理器仅支持Windows 10。 并且,BIOS中没有任何设置可以帮助您。 文件 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 Insults are not permitted. Consider yourself warned. Also, You have been provided with the best advice available. Listen closely - Only Windows 10 is supported on 7th gen and later processors. And, no settings in the BIOS will help you. Doc |
那么,英特尔集团中显然“你”的人被允许是粗鲁,居高临下和冒犯? 这是英特尔圈内的方式吗? 他在审查他的评论的进攻部分在哪里? 提供信息并以“态度”提供信息的巨大差异。 我在美国空军花了20年时间,在越南飞行了两年半,回来时丢失了一些碎片。 当你付出那么多时,你也可以拥有自己的态度...... AI 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 So, apparently "YOUR" people in the Intel clique are allowed to be Rude, Condescending and Offensive? Is that how the Intel inter-circle is? Where is his censoring of his offensive parts of his comments? Big difference in providing information and delivering it with an "attitude". I spent 20 years in the USAF, 2-1/2 years in Vietnam flying, came back with pieces missing. When you have given that much you can have YOUR attitude too ...... AI |
首先,我不是英特尔员工。 其次,没有人对你粗鲁,屈尊或冒犯。 你只是得到了直接的事实。 如果您对答案感到不满,那就是您的问题。 无论你过去,你都没有任何特权侮辱那些试图帮助你的人。 文件 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 First, I am not an Intel employee. Second, no one was rude, condescending, or offensive to you. You were merely given the straight facts. If you are offended by the answer, that is your problem. No matter your past, you do not have any privilege to insult those trying to help you. Doc |
以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 |
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