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Bench Link将在扫描过程中失去与34972A的连接。 34972A将继续扫描,直到手动停止,但Bench Link不会与其链接,也不会上传数据。 任何决议或帮助? 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I have the exact same problem. Bench Link will lose connection with the 34972A in the middle of a scan. The 34972A will continue scanning until manually stopped, but Bench Link won't link with it, nor upload the data. Any resolution or help? |
我们正在使用Benchlink Datalogger软件v4.3。 连接专家在通信错误后显示设备已连接并正常工作。 如果我将采样率降低到0.1 Hz,它似乎工作正常。 我们需要以2Hz(4通道)采样。 带有GPIB端口的34970A(使用USB转GPIB适配器)工作正常,从未遇到过此问题。 是德科技技术支持建议重新安装所有软件并禁用图表。 我这样做了,仍然有问题 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 I am seeing the same problem with USB communications with the 34972A. We are using Benchlink Datalogger software v4.3. The Connection Expert shows the device as attached and working properly after the communication error. If I slow my sample rate to 0.1 Hz it seems to work fine. We need to sample at 2Hz (4 channels). A 34970A with a GPIB port (using a USB to GPIB adaptor) works fine and has never had this issue. Keysight tech support recommended reinstalling all software and disabling graphs. I did this and still have the issue |
fan7572 发表于 2018-10-17 09:15 我们发现的唯一解决方案是使用以太网端口而不是USB端口。 但这显然是Keysight I / O库中的Keysight软件问题,因为我还使用NI LabVIEW对使用NI VISA I / O库的34972A进行编程,34972A通过USB端口完美运行。 顺便说一下,我们也没有高速扫描34972A。 我们每分钟只采集一次数据,但是如果您观察仪器,您可以看到扫描之间经常进行一些通信。 旧的34970A使用串行或GPIB没有发生这种情况。编辑:AlphaBob于2015年7月29日上午8:59 以上来自于谷歌翻译 以下为原文 The only solution we have found is to use the Ethernet port instead of the USB port. But this is obviously a Keysight software problem in the Keysight I/O libraries as I also program the 34972A with National Instruments LabVIEW that uses NI VISA I/O libraries and the 34972A runs flawlessly through the USB port. By the way we are not scanning the 34972A at a high rate either. We are only taking data once a minute, but if you watch the instrument you can see the some communication is constantly going on between scans. This did not happen on the old 34970A's using serial or GPIB. Edited by: AlphaBob on Jul 29, 2015 8:59 AM |
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